Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Philosophy of 'If'

My Philosophy of ‘If’

Written Originally by Jennifer Soh Li Wen (U6A1), 17/02/2006, Friday, 8:30 p.m.

If one day I would climb up the mountain,

And go through all the obstacles;

Will you be there,

If I were to fall?

If one day I would enter a singing competition,

And go through all the levels;

Will you be there,

If I were too anxious?

If one day I would become a writer,

And go through all the criticisms;

Will you be there,

If I were too emotional?

If one day I would become the Prime Minister,

And go through all the problems;

Will you be there,

If I were too cautious?

If one day I would become a millionaire,

And go through all the plans;

Will you be there,

If I were too greedy?

If one day I would be a Mother,

And go through all the loving care and hardships;

Will you be there,

If I were too stressed and angry?

If one day I would become a burglar,

And go through all the punishments;

Will you be there,

If I were to be in jail?

If one day I would become a beggar,

And go through all the donations;

Will you be there,

If I were too hungry?

If one day I were to be your soulmate;

Will you be there;

If I disappear,

In the depths of the deepest sea?

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