Thursday, November 17, 2011

Elastically Plastic

Elastically Plastic:

Written Originally by Jennifer Soh Li Wen, 18th November 2011, Friday, 1:06 a.m.-2:09 a.m., Middle Room.

It is time for shopping,
Ought to buy something;
Intense lingerie that is fitting,
Other people are busy packing.

When I see a plastic bag,
I see myself bouncing.

Hello, I am a plastic,
From flesh to elastic;
I don’t feel any unique,
I don’t like my physique.

I am not myself anymore,
I can’t own the child I was before;
I begin to believe in folklore,
Silly silicone is now my pore.

I can’t turn back,
It’s too far and unreached;
It’s all because of stupid ass Jack,
I literally practiced what he preached.

From barely an A to D,
From a flat model to Pamela Anderson;
My money is gone already,
Am I attractive enough for Robert Pattinson?

My society,
It is so hard to live;
It is so easy to conceive.

I am no real human,
I am a fake;
Even my smile is a fake,
I am no happy woman.

Tell me about backache,
Tell me about heartache;
How am I going to tell my child?
On why was I so wild?

I realized I am pregnant,
Jack achieved what he obsessed;
The memory was poignant,
My double Ds and single V he messed.

He is so irresponsible,
He left me on the table;
He thought he was capable,
He thought his milk was controllable.

Now I am worried about my own milk,
Pity my baby;
My tummy as smooth as silk,
A boy, could it be?

I am only twenty three,
A single mother to be;
I will tell him the truth when he is twenty,
When he is ready to hear that he has a Daddy.

Why twenty?
Because I was mature when I was twenty;
I would be twice older than him,
A perfect scenario it would seem.

I don’t think I’ll breastfeed,
I’ll feel very guilty;
I wish my nipples to be as dry as seaweed,
I don’t want him to search any when he’s hungry.

Now I’ve the biggest D in my life,
Or you can also say reversed C;
This stage I’ve to strife,
Jack is no use, you see.

I hope my baby will be here before 2012,
I hope there’ll be no 2012;
He deserves to see the world,
It is actually beautiful like a pearl.

I confirmed my name, Jill and I just had my ultrasound scan,
Dr. Billy said, “Congratulations, it’s a twin of XX and XY!”
My reaction was, “Damn!
Lord, me? Why?”

Two of little Jack and Jill,
Please don’t be like big Jack and Jill;
(20 x 2) = 40,
It’s like explaining to the child I wanted to be.

I want them to bury me,
I don’t want to pollute the Mother Earth;
She knows the plastic me,
She saw me became an official one in Perth.

Jack is now in jail,
Not in me, Jill;
His gun won’t kill,
For him, I won’t bail.

My 3-Ds are swelling,
Ouch, time is ticking!
My babies are singing,
Other women are vomiting.

When I see a paper bag,
I see myself falling. 

Penyapu Halal

Penyapu Halal:

Ilham Asli oleh Jennifer Soh Li Wen, 17 November 2011, Khamis, 9:04 malam-9:42 malam, Bilik Tengah.

Indah khabar daripada rupa,
Kata-katamu kau sudah lupa;
Kata ingin jadi bapa,
Kata suka dipanggil Papa.

Kau ingat kau hebat,
Dapat tandingi Hang Jebat;
Padahal takut hujan lebat,
Kilat, petir semua terlibat.

Senang-senang kau masuk keluar rumah,
Bilang setuju untuk kasi tolong gua;
Namun setiap hari buat gua marah,
Kau mahu gua cepat tua?

Makin hari makin banyak sampah,
Memang bikin menyampah;
Kerja di luar sama dengan rumah-bah,
Orang di luar pun tolong kutip sampah.

Apabila gua tiada,
Lagi kau menjadi-jadi;
Semua kotor sini sana,
Harapkan gua bersihkan ketika kembali.

Kau bisa tak kotakan janji-janjimu?
Nampaknya gua juga satu;
Mudah saja percaya padamu,
Hari-hari gua tak lari macam andartu.

Penyapu itu halal;
Tak berdosa, Bang,
Muka Abang berapa tebal?

Kau sentuh ia sekali pun tidak,
Perangai macam pula budak;
Tapi duri kau setajam Si Landak,
Lepaskan geram secara mendadak.

Kerja rumah kau tak buat,
Harapkan saja gua yang buat;
Kini gua sudah meluat,
Tengok tong sampah dua minggu melimpah tak muat.

Kau ingat gua ni siapa?
Gua lihat diri tak macam dilamun cinta;
Tapi macam wanita luka,
Gua amatlah berdukacita.

Habis, kau tak nak sumbang itu kenapa?
Di luar rumah tak penat tapi balik penat?
Jangan lupa gua juga ada keluar bekerja,
Tetapi ketika balik, hati mesti rasa tenat.

Badan gua ni sakit semacam,
Akibat sapu, mop, macam-macam;
Gua baru bersihkan semalam,
Hari ni kau buang basi punya kuih talam.

Semut semua benci pada gua,
Tak henti-henti panjat kaki gua;
Tak hendak lepaskan kulit gua,
Gua terpaksa menentang gua.

Kau mahu gua bikin diri cantik,
Kau suka lihat gua romantik;
Tapi cinta gua sudah tak berputik,
Gua diselubungi bau busuk saban detik.

Sudahlah, Bang,
Gua sudah letih;
Cukuplah, Bang,
Cari wanita putih.

Indah khabar daripada rupa,
Salah gua pandang lelaki macam kamu;
Gua nda mahu jadi gila,
Sukar betul ingin hidup bersamamu.

Selamat tinggal gua ucapkan,
Ini rumah sudah gua bersihkan;
Selepas ini, entah siapa yang tolong lapkan,
Dikerana dikau bukan bakal suami yang gua sangka-harapkan.

I Know

I Know:

Written Originally by Jennifer Soh Li Wen, 17th November 2011, Thursday, 2:58 a.m.-Break-12:12 p.m.-1:04 p.m., Middle Room.

I know the sky is blue,
I know the tree is green;
I know past fly is flew,
I know dirty is unclean.

I know the hierarchy,
I know the monarchy;
I know the melancholy,
I know the monopoly.

I know algebra,
I know zebra;
I know nude bra,
I know film Gubra.

I know history,
I know geography;
I know topography,
I know mandatory.

I know entertainment,
I know parliament;
I know badminton,
I know Bill Clinton.

I know manners,
I know attitude;
I know tolerance,
I know aptitude, solitude, latitude, longitude, magnitude, and multitude.

I know fight for rights,
I know what is right;
I know my customs and rites,
I know what are left and right.

I know we are all humans,
I know shapes and sizes;
I know discriminators,
I know dramatizers.

That I find hard to know,
It is not a subject in the know;
Schools covered from me to know,
This illness I find I need to know.

Of all the things I learn and know,
They apply the same as all people I know;
Yet, we don’t get to practice what we know,
We are judged for what we don’t know.

How would I know?
I would surely know;
If there is a kind Angel I know,
To tell me the future I don’t know.

I am now to know,
My body that I already know;
Is it so an eyesore for the people I begin to know?
They seem to care so less of all of the knowledge that I know.

A society of the know and don’t know,
I know what I know;
But I don’t know,
Why this I don’t want to know?

A firm I know,
A cert I know;
A confirm I know,
A desert I know.

Don’t judge a book by its cover, I know,
Time and tide wait for no man, I know;
Practice what you preach, I know,
Mind your own business, do we know?

This world of men that I know,
Is now the world that I don’t know?
I am in fact short and fat, I know,
I just pretend that I don’t know.

Brain versus beauty, I know,
Lucky versus unlucky, I know;
Accept you for who you are, I know,
Beautiful or ugly, I don’t know.

The people I know,
The family I know;
The love I know,
The hatred I don’t know.

Out of home that I know,
Challenges are yet to know;
Until I am judged for what I knew and know,
Not even the knowledge that I worked to know.

My eyes see the faces I know,
And the ones I don’t know;
Equal is same, I know,
Judged men like my case, please, I would really like to know.