Tuesday, January 7, 2014

If Only

If Only 
Written originally by Jennifer Soh Li Wen, 8th January 2014, Wednesday, 2:15 a.m.-2:25 a.m., In my rented room missing honey azizam Ali Vafaei Zadeh so much in my heart and mind - if only he knows 

My life of spots,
I miss you lots;
Should I continue the polka dots,
Hold on until each rots,
Or should I just change the wind,
Carry my grin;
I don't want to win,
May it be a bliss twin,
When I look on my right,
I see you by my side;
Why can't we make it tonight?
Until morning bright,
Running my fingers,
Till your face get wrinkles;
Tickle you to giggles,
We overcome all fakers,
Oh, baby, why can't we?
Don't you love and miss me? 
You're the only that I need,
Across time-across greed,
I want you by my side,
Take me for a ride;
I won't be shy,
I won't cry.

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