Sunday, March 17, 2013

Losing Faith in Humanity

Losing Faith in Humanity: Written originally by Jennifer Soh Li Wen, In my room at home, 7:02 p.m.-7:21 p.m., 16th March 2013, Saturday, Edited at 3:08 p.m.-3:17 p.m., 17th March 2013, Sunday, Same old room at home 

The moment I open my eyes,
There the truth lies;
It is as if someone dies,
Even attracted the flies,
I only say what people want to hear,
I only celebrate what people want to cheer;
Oh, Lord, how about my ear?
Will it last from year to year?
I'm glad that I'm a girl,
I don't simply ejaculate sperm;
Swimming like a desperate worm,
Spreading loving words of germ,
I know my own destiny,
I shan't carry and bear any baby;
I won't be Mommy,
Also there'll be no Daddy,
My status unmarried,
For the rest of my breed;
Not a single greed,
I keep to be freed,
I contribute nothing,
Toward the society;
Losing faith in humanity,
I only trust the God Almighty,
Living under such roof,
I don't know what else to prove;
It's either my death, your breath,
Or my breath, your death,
If only I've another place to go,
Although I fear to being solo;
Should any man appear I'd say no,
You aren't a friend nor a foe,
My body is bleeding,
Can't you see?
My pain a pail,
And the rain sings my pale,
If there's enough water,
I'd slowly sail;
Forgive me, I'm only human,
And I'm not for sale.

At least some parts of the world are still understanding of what I'm feeling and thinking inside, so thank you, thank you so much: 

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