Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Best IRD Ever

The Best IRD Ever
Written originally by Jennifer Soh Li Wen, 10th July 2014, Thursday, 11:24 a.m.-12:27 a.m., in 903 bus heading to Woodlands MRT and in MRT heading for workplace in Capella Singapore, Sentosa, Specially dedicated to my cool IRD colleagues that I cherish a lot, a lot

Dear Uncle Matthew,
Caring as a father hugging you;
Dear Ben,
The name as gentle as the man,
Dear Joey,
His smiles as sweet as candy;
Dear Aunty Helen,
The undeniable beauty of a mother,
Dear Uncle Devan,
His presence makes life way better;
Dear Ryan,
His strength comparable to a lion.

You are the best IRD ever,
I shall remember you forever;
You work so hard yet clever,
You know what's first and later,
Everyday seeing cheese platter,
You are all hearts of a team player;
Thank you for having me together,
Although I'm just a tiny fresher,
I feel so home with cheerful chatter,
Handling forms, food, cards, water;
Whenever I enter I'm always happier,
Keep the joy up a day a liter higher!

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