Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Busy Daisy

Busy Daisy

Busy Daisy,
Went to school one day;
And caught a lot of rain.

Busy Daisy,
Then went to the farm;
And got a lot to say.

She stood there,
Waving her hand;
“Good morning, hare!”
It quickly ran away.

She scratched her head,
And moved ahead;
She planned not to stay.

Busy Daisy,
Went on picking fruits;
The ants made way.

Busy Daisy said,
“Apple, you look so sweet today!”
She took a bite to taste.

Not as lovely as thought,
The caterpillar got shocked;
She totally forgot,
To knock on the door,
The apple she found on the floor!

Moral of the story: Dear kids, do you remember Snow White? Don’t judge a book by its cover. An apple may look very red or green on the outside but you will never know how bad it can be on the inside. Think before you act. Don’t trust strangers. Don’t be greedy and envious. Instead, just be thankful and happy with all that you have. Think of Busy Daisy when you eat your apple!

Written Originally by: Jennifer Soh Li Wen
Date: 22nd February 2012
Day: Wednesday
Time: 8:19 a.m.-8:39 a.m. (Plus Some Extra Time to Edit)
Place: Middle Room, University Heights, Penang
Dedication: Mah Ming Yi and Daisy Jade Elling
Type and Reading Method of Poem: Nursery Rhyme for Children

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