Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Chef and the Doctor

The Chef and the Doctor 
Written originally by Jennifer Soh Li Wen, 9th June 2013, Sunday, 7:39 a.m.-8:01 a.m., In my own room, Laying on the bed, Specially dedicated to all of the children out there in conjunction of Parents' Day

The Chef and the Doctor, 
Both are very noble;
They like helping people,
They like treating people, 
One feeds the people, 
One heals the people;
They like their eggs scramble,
They each have a duty roster. 

The Chef and the Doctor,
Time is just a number;
They do not grumble,
They are very kind people,
They are very humble,
They must not stumble;
They serve for the people,
We need them for survival. 

The Chef and the Doctor,
Both have one in common;
Both like white in colour,
They look like each other,
Like a sister and a brother,
They met at the ice cream parlor;
They like the taste of lemon,
Then, they said, "See you later." 

The Chef and the Doctor,
They are now friends to one another;
Their uniforms are in pure white,
They are shining bright,
The Chef brings delight,
The Doctor brings light; 
Oh, what a sight! 
They know not of morning and night.

The Chef and the Doctor, 
They like to make things better;
One likes to cook with butter,
One likes to bandage with plaster,
If only I can thank them together,
I promise to grow well and faster;
So that I could be like them, 
They are my Mother and Father. 

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